THREE O R&D/Laboratory
開発・研究所 スリーオー
1958-229 Nakano,Midori-Ku,
Sagamihara,Kanagawa 252-0157 Japan
TEL 042-780-7076
FAX 042-780-7076
It has been found that applied products obtained from innovative high-performance
alloys exhibit innovative value-added properties.
Furthermore, I were able to efficiently manufacture metal products without
Simple is the best.
It was also found that the effects of decarbonization, energy saving, and
cost performance are significant.
Although there is a lot of know-how to put high-performance alloys and
their applied products into practical use, we have found that this can
be done easily and inexpensively.
There are a wide variety of technical fields where it can be applied.
There are many types of applicable alloys, including gold, silver, copper,
aluminum, and platinum.
Furthermore, the application fields are expanding to include electronic
parts, automobile parts, aircraft parts, musical instruments, daily goods,
jewelry, etc.
In the future, we will continue to elucidate the mechanisms behind the
groundbreaking high-performance properties and groundbreaking value-added
I will observe sample products whose characteristics have been demonstrated
and investigate and elucidate them.
This technology is nanotechnology and high-tech.
Practical results 2
Characteristics of φ25μm wire for electronic parts and everyday items using the new silver alloy
I have discovered that it is possible
to obtain metal alloys with nano-sized ultrafine particles, and have
established a manufacturing method.
This alloy exhibits innovative high-performance properties, and its applied
products exhibit innovative high-value-added properties.
I created ultra-fine wires using a new alloy, Fine crystallite High Function
Silver Alloy, and evaluated its properties. The results are shown below.
1. Alloys and their purity
silver alloy. Ag purity: @99.7%, A99.85%, B99.97%
3. Characteristics of applied products.
Results are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1 shows the characteristics of applied products of Ag99.7% and Ag99.85,
and of applied products of general commercial silver product Sterling Silver
F. c. H. F. Silver's conductivity is almost 20% higher.
Sterling Silver failed salt spray and sulfidation tests.
F. c. H. F. Unprecedented revolutionary characteristics of Silver applied
1. Passed sulfurization, oxidation, and discoloration tests.
1-1. Inert gas is no longer required during processes such as processing, heat
treatment, storage, cooling, and evaluation.
Inert gas and equipment have been removed.
I have realized processing in the atmosphere.
1-2. Re-dissolution and re-analysis due to discoloration are no longer
required. These steps have been deleted.
1-3. A protective film is no longer required, and the Pd (high precious metal)
plating film and its equipment have been removed.
1-4. By removing the plating film, we have achieved non-toxicity and non-pollution.
2. High processing properties.
The annealing process has been removed.
3. High strength properties
Added copper 7.5% has been removed.
Characteristics are stable and re-melting adjustment is no longer necessary.
Removed the remelting step.
4. High aging properties.
Manufacturing and storage have become stable. Achieved high reliability.
Table 2 shows the characteristics of Fine crystallite High Function Ag99.97%
and Conventional Gold Au99.97% bonding wire.
Silver wire has the characteristics of gold wire.
The price is 1/80 of gold wire (Silver/Gold: 2,295,00$/1,917,50$)
This time, we were able to efficiently manufacture a silver alloy product that
exhibits groundbreaking properties without wasting any waste.
Simple is best.
It has become clear that the effects of decarbonization, energy savings, and
cost performance are also significant.
I will advance practical application and elucidation of the mechanism for the
benefit of the future Earth and humanity.
There are many applicable metal alloys, and their composition fields are also
Moreover, the fields of its applied products are wide-ranging.
This technology is advanced technology and high-tech with nanotechnology.
Many people can play an active role.
You will be provided with a high value-added workplace.
I need the help and investment of many people.
Practical results 3。
Applications and characteristics of the new
silver alloy
I have been developing new alloys and their
application products. I have found a way to manufacture efficiently and without
This alloy exhibits breakthrough high-Function properties. Application
products of this alloy show epoch-making high value-added characteristics.
I call this new alloy Fine Crystallite High-Function Metal Alloys.
This time, we used Fine crystallite High Function Silver Ag99.7%
to produce an applied product, so its characteristics are shown below.
1. Types of new alloys
Fine crystallite High Function Silver Ag99.7%
2. Alloy purity
3. Applied Products.
3-1 Even if you increase the target's traits, other traits hardly
For example, increasing the tensile strength hardly reduces the electrical
3-2 Improvement of added value
(1) Higher performance.
(2) Higher quality.
(3) Improved cost performance (higher quality/lower cost)
・Reduction of production process processing time
・Removal of the annealing heat treatment process
・Elimination of precious metal plating protective film. Removal of
plating process
- Eliminate the use of hydrogen gas. Removal of processes using hydrogen
・Elimination of the alloy recycling analysis process
・Elimination of alloy recycling melting process
・Removal and reduction of processes using inert gas
・Removal of expensive factory equipment
・Prevention of dust generation in the wire drawing process
4. Decarbonization
5. Energy saving
6. Improved manufacturing yield.
7. Improved aging effect
8. Pollution-free
9. detoxification
10. Improved Young's modulus
If the Young's modulus is high and the recovery rate is high (if
the rigidity is high), it will repeat fine vibrations like a thin string
(light specific gravity) in order to return to its original state quickly
so as not to be defeated by external impacts. A high-pitched sound comes
Improves the sound of wind and percussion instruments.
Table 1 shows the characteristics of Fine crystallite High Function
Silver Alloys 99.7% applied products.
For reference, the characteristics of the applied product of F.C.H.F.
Silver99.85% and the applied product of Conventional Sterling Silver Ag92.5%
are shown.
Fig.2 shows a sample application product.
We were able to manufacture metal products efficiently with little
I am convinced that I can contribute to society.
Simple is the best.
It was found that the effects of decarbonization, energy saving,
cost performance, etc. are also great.
I will continue to develop this. I would like to proceed with the
practical application and elucidation of the mechanism.
There are a wide variety of technical fields that can be applied.
This technology is nanotechnology, high-tech, and expensive to develop.
It requires a lot of manpower. We need a lot of funds.
I need the understanding of many.
Needs support and investment.
Practical results 4.
Characteristics of bonding wire using the
new silver alloy
I have been developing new alloys and their application products. We have
found a way to manufacture efficiently and without waste.
This alloy exhibits breakthrough high-function properties. It was found
that the applied products of this alloy have epoch-making high value-added
I discovered that by making the crystal grain size of metal alloys nano-sized.
I call this new alloy Fine Crystallite High-Function Metal Alloy.
The advantages of applying Fine crystallite High Function Silver Ag99.97%
to conventional bonding wires (bonding wires other than gold) are shown
1. high performance
High tensile strength, electrical conductivity, etc. It has good elongation
and good workability.
2. high quality
Passed the sulfurization test and chloride test. Can be worked and stored
in air.
3. Removal of plating factory
Removal of high-tech thin film manufacturing equipment.
Removal of pollution control equipment.
Removal of detoxification equipment.
Eliminates expensive elemental Pd
Abolished the use of electricity, water, inert gas, etc.
4. Eliminated the use of inert gases in clean rooms
5. Abolition of use of hydrogen gas in the bonding process
4. Eliminated the use of inert gas during sample storage.
5. Removal of annealing heat treatment process
6. Abolished the use of inert gas in the aging heat treatment process
7. Elimination of re-analysis process for recycled products
8. Elimination of re-melting process for recycled products
9. Improved manufacturing yield
10. Massive reduction in production time by removing and simplifying various
11. Improving the sound of wind/percussion instruments by increasing Young's
We were able to manufacture metal products efficiently with little waste.
Simple is the best.
It was found that the effects of decarbonization, energy saving, cost performance,
etc. are large.
I will continue to develop this. We will proceed with practical application
and elucidation of themechanism.
There are a wide variety of technical fields that can be applied.
This technology is nanotechnology, high-tech, and expensive.
It requires a lot of manpower. need a lot of money.
I need the understanding of many people.
Needs support and investment.
Table 1 shows the properties of microcrystalline high performance silver
bonding wire compared to gold bonding wire.
The processing method of silver wire is the same as that of gold wire in
atmospheric processing. Currently, the price of silver is about 1/80 of
the price of gold.
Fig. 1 shows the results of a high-acceleration temperature and humidity
stress test (reliability test results) compared with gold bonding wires.
It was found that the results of the high-acceleration temperature and
humidity stress test were almost the same as those of the gold wire.
開発・研究所 スリーオー
THREE O R&D/Laboratory
実施例 3.
1. 新合金の種類
2. 合金純度
3. 応用製品。
3-1 対象の特性を上げても他の特性はほとんど下がりません。
3-2 付加価値の向上
(1) より高いパフォーマンス。
(2) より高い品質。
(3) コストパフォーマンスの向上(高品質・低コスト)
・貴金属メッキ保護膜の除去。 メッキ除去工程
- 水素ガスの使用を廃止します。 水素ガスを使用する工程の廃止
4. 脱炭素化
5. 省エネ
6. 製造歩留まりの向上。
7. 経時変化の改善
8. 無公害化
9. 無毒化
10. ヤング率の向上
外部からの影響。 甲高い音(high-pitched sound)が出ます。
参考までに、F.C.H.F.の応用製品の特性を示します。 Silver99.85%と従来の純銀Ag92.5%の応用品を示します。
Simple is the best.
Fine crystallite High Function Silver Ag99.97%を、従来のボンディングワイヤー(金以外のボンディングワイヤー)に適用した場合の、メリットについて下記に示しました。
硫化試験・塩化試験に合格。 大気中で作業と保管がでる。
高価な元素状 Pd を排除
Simple is the Bestです。
多くの人手が必要です。 多くの資金が必要としています。
表 1 に、金ボンディング ワイヤと比較した微結晶高性能銀ボンディング ワイヤの特性を示します。
"Ein Gonio- Mikroskop und einige Anwendungen" iMax Planck Institute in Germany文献掲載。
*T.Taoka,K.Ogasa,E.Furubayashi,and S.Takeuchi,Jour.Inst.Met.30(1966)820/26
(in Japanese)
1966graduation thesis of Tokyo University of Science。
"Jewelry Manufacturing with the New High Carat Golds"by sub8.html へのリンクBernardin,GOLD TECHNOLOGY,ISSUE No.30,WINTER 2000.
微細結晶粒高機能合金Fine Crystallite High Function Metal Alloyの特性と適用製品。